


Table of Contents

Build systems

Build systems run a build process. Combination of


paper.pdf: paper.tex plot-data.png
	pdflatex paper.tex 

plot-%.png: %.dat plot.py
	./plot.py -i $*.dat -o $@

Other build systems

Dependency Management

Semantic versioning

major.minor.patch Release increments number of:

e.g. python 2.7 vs 3.6 Semantic versioning allows you to specify dependencies via a major version and project should still work with later versions

Lock files

Continuous Integration



  1. Most makefiles provide a target called clean. This isn’t intended to produce a file called clean, but instead to clean up any files that can be re-built by make. Think of it as a way to “undo” all of the build steps. Implement a clean target for the paper.pdf Makefile above. You will have to make the target phony. You may find the git ls-files subcommand useful. A number of other very common make targets are listed here.
    • Solution:
      PHONY: clean
            git ls-files --other | xargs rm  
  2. Take a look at the various ways to specify version requirements for dependencies in Rust’s build system. Most package repositories support similar syntax. For each one (caret, tilde, wildcard, comparison, and multiple), try to come up with a use-case in which that particular kind of requirement makes sense.
    • Solution:
      • ^: allows patch and minor updates from specified version, disallows major updates
        • e.g. ^1.2.3 := >=1.2.3, < 2.0.0
        • use case: probably typical for dependencies that aren’t critical or heavily used - you will get latest patches and minor versions which should be compatible. Will require deliberate upgrade to next major version to ensure functionality isn’t broken.
      • ~: minimal version with some ability to update. if major+minor+patch specified only patch level changes are allowed. If major+minor specified only minor changes allowed:
        • e.g. ~1.2 := >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
        • use case: you may use ~1.2 when dependency is critical to project, while ensuring that patches are installed
      • *: allows any version in position of wildcard
        • use case: if dependency is mature and fairly stable, and not used heavily in your project, you may specify a major version and wildcard the minor version to get the latest compatible version
      • <, <=, >, >=, =: manual specification of version range or exact version
        • use case: if dependency is unstable and critical you may want to lock a particular version and manually update patches to ensure it functions as expected
      • multiple requirements e.g. >= 1.2, < 1.5
        • use case: tests may pass on a range of dependencies but fail after a certain version, so you may limit requirements to a specific range
  3. Git can act as a simple CI system all by itself. In .git/hooks inside any git repository, you will find (currently inactive) files that are run as scripts when a particular action happens. Write a pre-commit hook that runs make paper.pdf and refuses the commit if the make command fails. This should prevent any commit from having an un-buildable version of the paper.


     # Pre-commit script to prevent commit if the make fails
     # Redirect output to stderr.
     exec 1>&2
     if make
             echo "Make successful"
            cat << EOF
     Error: could not make pdf
             exit 1
  4. Set up a simple auto-published page using GitHub Pages. Add a GitHub Action to the repository to run shellcheck on any shell files in that repository (here is one way to do it). Check that it works!
  5. Build your own GitHub action to run proselint or write-good on all the .md files in the repository. Enable it in your repository, and check that it works by filing a pull request with a typo in it.

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