Machine Learning
Recipes and Formulae
- A and B are independent iff $P(A\cap B) = P(A)P(B)$
- disjoint: the probability of 2 disjoint events $A\cap B$ = 0, is $P(A \vee B) = P(A)+P(B)$
product rule: $P(A\cap B) = P(A B)P(B) = P(B A)P(A)$ - chain rule: lets you choose the factorisation you want
Bayes’ Rule
\[P(A|B) = \frac{P(A)P(B|A)}{P(B)}\]-
$P(A B)$: posterior probability, degree of belief having accounted for $B$ - $P(A)$: prior probability, initial degree of belief in $A$.
- probability of $A$ occurring given no additional information about $A$
$P(B A)$: likelihood, support $B$ provides for $A$ - $P(B)$: evidence
- allows update of prior belief based on empirical evidence
- idea: we want to know probability of event $A$ irrespective of outcome of another event $B$
- we can do so by summing over all possible outcomes $\mathcal{B}$ of $B$
- marginalise over the set of outcomes of $B$ as:
\(P(A|C) = \sum_{b\in\mathcal{B}}P(A|C,B=b)P(B=b|C)\)
Expectation Value
\[E[f(x)] = \sum_{x\in X} f(x)Px)\]Optimisation
Exact optimisation
- establish objective function/loss function $f(\theta)$
- maximise objective function
- minimise loss function
- take first derivative w.r.t. $\theta$
- set to 0
- solve for $\theta$
Gradient Descent
\[\theta \leftarrow \theta - \eta\nabla f(\theta)\]- $\eta$: learning rate/step size
- $\nabla = [\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta_i}]$: gradient; vector of partial derivatives
Distance - Categorical Features
Simple matching coefficient
- number of matching features divided by number of all features in the sample
- normalised
- $d$: distance
- $m$: total number of features
- $k$: number of matching features
- number of differing elements in 2 strings of equal length
- Jaccard Similarity $J$: intersection of 2 sets divided by their union
- how much overlap is there between the two sets?
Distance - Numerical features
Manhattan - L1
\[d(x,y) = \sum_i |x_i - y_i|\]Euclidean - L2
\[d(x,y) = \sum_i (x_i - y_i)^2\]Cosine
- cosine of angle between 2 vectors:
- distance:
- as normalised by magnitude of each feature vector, you can compare items of different size
- e.g. word counts: article vs book
- e.g. pixels: high vs low res image
Distance - Ordinal Features
Normalised Ranks
- sort values, return a rank $r \in {1,…,m}$
- map ranks to evenly spaced values between 0 and 1: \(z = \frac{r}{m}\)
- then use a numeric distance function
\[Acc = \frac{TP+TN}{TP+TN+FP+FN}\]Error
\[E = 1-Acc\]Precision
\[P = \frac{TP}{TP+FP}\]Recall
\[R = \frac{TP}{TP+FN}\]F-Score
\[F_\beta = \frac{(1+\beta)^2 PR}{\beta^2 P +R}\] \[F_1 = \frac{2PR}{P +R}\]Macro-average
- calculate per class, then average, e.g. precision
- combine all test instances into a pool, then compute
Weighted Average
- weight per-class values by proportion of instances per class
Feature Selection
Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI)
- discrepancy between observed joint probability of attribute $A$ and class $C$ and the expected joint probability if $A$ and $C$ independent
- $PMI\gg 0$: useful; $A,C$ occur much more often than random
- $PMI = 0$: useless
- $PMI \ll 0$: $A,C$ negatively correlated
Mutual Information
- expected value of PMI over all possible events (all combinations of $a,\bar a,c, \bar c$)
- define $0\log 0 \equiv 0$
- for each attribute
- produce contingency table of counts of ${a,\bar a}$ vs counts of ${c,\bar c}$, and totals
- compute MI for each attribute
- select attributes with highest MI
K-Nearest Neighbours
- compute distances between test point and training points
- sort distances
- choose top $k$ as neighbours
- compute weight for each neighbour
- aggregate neighbour weights for each class
- assign training instance to class with highest weight
Uniform Weighting
- $w_i = 1$
Inverse Distance Weighting
- introduce small parameter $\epsilon$
Inverse Linear Distance Weighting
\[w_i = \frac{d_k-d_i}{d_k-d_1}\]- $d_i$: distance of $j$th neighbour
- $d_k$: maximum distance amongst neighbours
- $d_1$: minimum distance amongst neighbours
Naive Bayes
- assumption: conditional independence given class:
Epsilon Smoothing
if we calculate $P(x_m y) = 0$ then set $P(x_m y)=\epsilon \ll \frac{1}{N}$ - reduces most comparison to cardinality of $\epsilon$: fewest wins
Laplace Smoothing
- add pseudocount $\alpha$ (typically 1) to every feature count observed during training
- $M$: number of distinct values of attribute $x_m$
\[\hat y = \argmax_{y\in Y}P(y)P(x_1,...,x_m|y) = \argmax_{y \in Y} P(y)\prod_{i=1}^m P(x_i|y)\]To construct the model:
for each attribute x_i
for each class value c
for each attribute value v
count instances with x_i=v and label c
compute proportions
- then to make a prediction, compute for each class
Underlying probabilistic model
\[P(x,y) = \prod_{i=1}^n P(y^i)\prod_{m=1}^M P(x_m^i|y^i)\]Logistic Regression
\[\hat y = \begin{cases} 1: \sigma(\theta^Tx)>0.5 \\ 0 : \text{otherwise}\end{cases}\]Decision Tree
- entropy for discrete random variable $x$ without possible outcomes $1, …, n$: \(H(x) = -\sum_{i=1}^n P(i)\log_2{P(i)}\)
Mean Information
- Mean information: $m$ attribute values of $x$
- $H(x_i)$: entropy of class distribution for instances at node $x_i$
- $P(x_i)$: proportion of instances at sub-node $x_i$ \(\text{mean-info}(x_1, ..., x_m) = \sum_{i=1}^m P(x_i)H(x_i)\)
Information gain
\[IG(R_A|R) = H(R) - \text{mean-info}(R_A)\]- when using $IG$ as split criterion, choose the attribute with the highest $IG$
- biased towards attributes with many values
Split Information
- Split information: entropy of a given split: evenness of distribution of instances to attribute values
Gain Ratio
\[GR(R_A|R) = \frac{IG(R_A|R)}{SI(R_A|R)}\]- when using $GR$ as split criterion, choose the attribute with the highest $GR$
- discourages selection of attributes with many uniformly distributed values
Recursive function:
function id3(root):
if all instances of same class, or other stopping criterion met:
select a new attribute to use to partition node instances (IG or GR)
create a branch for each distinct attribute value
partition root instances by value
for each leaf node leaf_i:
Forward pass
\(\hat y = f(\theta^T x)\)
- $f$ may be step, in which case:
Perceptron update rule
\[\theta \leftarrow \theta + \eta(y^i-\hat y^i)x\]Neural Network update
\(\sigma(z) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}\) \(\sigma'(z) = \sigma(z)(1-\sigma(z))\)
Backpropagation Algorithm
- design Neural Net
- initialise $\theta$
- one epoch: repeat for each training instance
- forward pass: work from left to right
- activation for node $i$ of layer $l$: \(a_i^l = \sigma({\theta_i^l}^T x)\)
- for output node: $\hat y$ = activation of last node
- compute error $E = \frac{1}{2}(y - \hat y)^2$
- backpropagate:
- compute $\delta_i^l$ for node $i$ of layer $l$:
- use $\hat y =$ output activation - i.e. look at gradient, and the deviation in activation
\[\delta_i^l = \sum_j \sigma'(z_i^l)\theta_{ij}^{l+1}\delta_j^{l+1}: \text{hidden layer}\]- find weighted sum of all $\delta$s from the nodes of the next layer, weighted by $\theta$ between those nodes
- compute $\Delta\theta$ for all nodes, in any order. For node $i$ in layer $l$: \(\Delta\theta_i^l = -\eta \nabla E(\theta)=\eta\delta_i^l a_i^{l-1}\) - i.e. multiply learning rate, $\eta$, the node’s $\delta$, and the node’s input $a_i^{l-1}$
- update all $\theta$s at once. For node $i$ in layer $l$ \(\theta_i^l \leftarrow \theta_i^l +\Delta\theta_i^l\)
- continue until stop criteria reached
Classification Loss Function
negative conditional log-likelihood
for instance $i$:
- for all instances:
Binary classification
\[\hat y_1^i = P(y^i=1|x^i; \theta)\] \[\mathcal{L} = -\sum_i [y^i \ln(\hat y_1^i)+(1-y^i)\ln(1-\hat y_1^i)]\]Multiclass classification
\[\mathcal{L} = -\sum_i\sum_{j\in Y} y_j^i \ln(\hat y_j^i)\]- $y_j^i = 1$ if $j$ is the true label for instance $i$, else 0
- $Y$ is the set of labels
Regression Loss Function
Mean Squared Error (MSE)
\[\mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_i^N (y^i - \hat y^i)^2\]Output Function
Binary Classification
- neuron with step function:
Multiclass classification
- one node per class
- apply softmax to normalise $K$ outputs from the last hidden layer into a probability distribution over classes
Regression Classification
- identity function: no transformation applied
- could use sigmoid, tanh
Unsupervised Learning
initialise k seeds as cluster centroids
compute distance of all points to cluster centroids
assign points to the closest cluster
recompute cluster centroid
until clusters don't change
Agglomerative clustering
- bottom-up clustering
initialise all instances as individual clusters
while (# clusters) > 1
compute triangular elements of proximity matrix between each cluster centroid
locate the smallest proximity: cluster these instances
compute updated cluster centroid (typically group average)
Bisecting k-means
- top-down clustering
- idea: to obtain $K$ clusters, split all points into 2 clusters.
- Select one of these clusters to split
- repeat until $K$ clusters produced
initialise cluster list with a single cluster containing all points
Pick a cluster to remove from list (e.g. largest cluster)
// Perform trial bisections of the chosen cluster
for i = 1..num trials
Bisect selected cluster via k-means
Select the 2 clusters from bisection with minimum total SSE
Add these 2 cluster to cluster list
until cluster list contains k clusters
Unsupervised Evaluation
Cluster Cohesion
- high cluster cohesion desirable: instances in a cluster should be closely related
- inverse of total distance between each pair of instances
Cluster separation
- high cluster separation desirable: instances distinct from one another if in different clusters
Scatter/Sum of Squared Error (SSE)
- $k$ clusters
- $m_i$: representative point for cluster $C_i$, e.g. centroid
- error is distance to nearest cluster
- as $k$ increases, $SSE\rightarrow 0$ as each instance is in its own cluster
- sometimes add penalty term $\propto \log k$
Supervised Evaluation
- how consistent are class labels within/across clusters
- probability of the class with highest representation in each cluster
- higher is better
- entropy of distribution over labels per cluster
- lower is better
- $x_i$: distribution of class labels in cluster $i$
Semi-Supervised Learning
- $L = {(x^i, y^i)}_{i=1}^{l}$ labelled instances
- $U = {x^i}_{i=l+1}^{l+u}$ unlabelled instances
- need a safety net: move bad instances back into unlabelled pool
- Repeat
- Train model $f$ on $L$ using supervised learning method
- Apply $f$ to predict labels on all instances in $U$
- identify $U’\subset U$ with high confidence labels
- move elements from $U$ to $L$: $U\leftarrow U\backslash U’$, $L\leftarrow L\cup U’$, with classifier predictions as labels
- Until $L$ doesn’t change
Query Strategies for Active Learning
Least confident
- select queries where classifier is least confident of classification
Margin sampling
- select queries where classifier is least able to distinguish between 2 categories
- look across whole class probability distribution for instances: which instance has the highest uncertainty?
Query by committee (QBC)
- ensembling approach
- train multiple classifiers on labelled data
- use each to predict on unlabelled data
select instances with highest disagreement, e.g. entropy
- assumes uncorrelated errors between classifiers