Declarative Programming
Real World Haskell
Real World Haskell
Table of Contents
- Getting started
- Types and Functions
- Binary Tree
- List Comprehension
- Modules
- Lazy evaluation
- I/O and Monads
- Partial Application and Currying
- Kind
- Functors
- Applicative Functors
- Monoid Type Class
Getting started
: interpreter primarily used for teachingghc
: Glasgow Haskell Compiler, used for real workghci
: REPL for Haskellrunghc
: program for running Haskell programs as scripts without compilationPrelude
: standard library of useful functions- Haskell requires type names to start with an uppercase letter, and variable names to start with a lowercase letter
Types and Functions
- Haskell types are: strong, static, and can be automatically inferred, making it safer than popular statically typed languages, and more expressive than dynamically typed languages. Much of the debugging gets moved to compile time
- strength refers to how permissive a type system is, with a stronger type system accepting fewer expressions as valid than a weaker one
- strong: type system guarantees a program cannot errors from trying to write expressions that don’t make sense
- well typed expressions obey the languages type rules
- Haskell doesn’t perform automatic coercion
- static: compiler knows the type of every value and expression at compile time before any code is executed
- compiler detects when you try to use expressions whose types don’t match
- makes type errors at runtime impossible
- type inference: compiler can automatically deduce the types of most expressions
- type signature:
:: Type
- side effect: dependency between global state of the system and the behaviour of a function
- invisible inputs to/outputs from functions
- pure function: has no side effects, the default in Haskell
- impure function: has side effects
- can be identified by type signature: the result begins with
- can be identified by type signature: the result begins with
- variables in Haskell allow you to bind a name to an expression. This permits substitution of the variable for the expression
- lazy evaluation: aka non-strict evaluation. Track unevaluated expressions as thunks and defer evaluation until when it is really needed
- parametric polymorphism: most visible polymorphism supported by Haskell, that has influenced the generics and templates of Java/C++. This is the ability to specify behaviour without knowing the type.
- Haskell doesn’t support subtype polymorphism as it isn’t object oriented, nor does it support coercion polymorphism as a deliberate design choice to avoid automatic coercion
- in
you can list the type of an expression using:t
Comment on Purity
- makes understanding code easier: you know things the function cannot do (e.g. talk to the network), what valid behaviours could be, and it is inherently modular, because each function is self-contained with a well-defined interface
- pure code makes working with impure code simpler: code that must have side effects can be separated from code that doesn’t need side effects. Impure code is kept simple, with heavy lifting in pure code.
- minimises attack surface
Type constructors
and (,)
are type constructors: they take types as input and build new types from them
in Haskell is a type synonym with [Char]
Defining type synonyms
- similar to C’s
type Pair = (Int, Int)
Type Classes
- use type classes to restrict applicable types in a function with parametric polymorphism
- type classes are like interfaces in Java: if you have implementation of functions
, and other numerical operations, it can be considered aNum
e.g. for sum
Num a => [a] -> a`
: collection of types for which addition, multiplication, and other numerical operations make senseOrd
: collection of types for which comparison operations (e.g.<
) are defined
Type Definitions
Define a new type with the data
keyword. Possible values are separated by |
-- e.g. our own implementation of Bool
data MyBool = MyTrue | My Falsek
-- e.g. point to store 2D Cartesian coordinates
data Point = Pt Float Float
Here we have defined a Point
, which can be a Pt
which also carries two Float
Typically, you use the same name for the type and data constructor:
data Point = Point Float Float
- value constructor/data constructor: creates a new value of a specified type
- used when you want to take one type and wrap it in something to present it as another type
- faster than
- can only use it if there is a single value constructor with a single field
Comparison of type
, newtype
, data
: useful when you’re trying to make something newtype
: useful when you want to make type signatures more descriptivenewtype
: useful for wrapping existing types in new types to make it an instance of a typeclass
Recursive Data Types
e.g. implementation of linked list: here’s a type List
, which can be a ListNode
carrying with it an Int
, and another List
Otherwise, it can be a ListEnd
(just a constant)
data List = ListNode Int List | ListEnd
ListNode 20 (ListNode 10 ListEnd)
containing 20 and 10
To make this polymorphic with respect to type, introduce type parameter a
data List a = ListNode a (List a) | ListEnd
Now List
is a type constructor, rather than a type. To get a type, you need to provide List
with the type to use, e.g. List Int
List Char
roughly corresponds to Java’sLinkedList<Character>
Defining operations on custom types
: type class for which equality makes senseshow
: provides string representationShow
: type class that can be converted to string representation- to automatically generate default behaviour (i.e. two values are equal when they have the same structure, and show strings that look like the code you use to write the values):
data List a = ListNode a (List a) | ListEnd
deriving (Eq, Show)
Binary Tree
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
deriving Show
tree :: Tree Int
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
deriving Show
-- returns contents of a tree
elements :: Tree a -> [a]
elements Empty = []
elements (Node x l r) = elements l ++ [x] ++ elements r
-- insert element into binary search tree
insert n Empty = (Node n Empty Empty)
insert n (Node x l r)
| n == x = (Node x l r)
| n <= x = (Node x (insert n l) r)
| n > x = (Node x l (insert n r))
-- build a binary search tree from list of values
buildtree :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
buildtree [] = Empty
buildtree [x] = insert x Empty
buildtree (x:xs) = insert x (buildtree xs)
-- build a BST then return sorted values
treesort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
treesort [] = []
treesort x = elements (buildtree x)
List Comprehension
[ expression | generator ]
- generator: pull items from list one at a time to operate on
- expression: what to do with each item of the generator
> [x^2 | x<- [1..6]]
> [(-x) | x <- [1..6]]
> [even x | x <- [1..6]]
- you can also add filters to restrict which input items should be processed
> [x^2 | x <- [1..12], even x]
[4, 16, 36, 64, 100, 144]
- multiple generators and filters can be combined:
- each generator introduces a variable that can be used in filters
- each filter cuts down the input items which proceed to subsequent filters/generators
- the futher down a generator is on the list, the faster it will cycle through its values
nested generators and filters are analogous to nested
loops andif
statements as you would use in the procedural approach - using variables in later generators
[ x | x <- [1..4], y <- [x..5], even (x+y) ]
- Pythagorean triples
pyth :: [(Integer,Integer,Integer)]
pyth = [(a,b,c) | c <- [1..], a <- [1..c], b <- [1..c], a^2 + b^2 == c^2]
Prelude> take 5 pyth
zip xs ys
: returns a list of pairs of elements (x, y)
> zip [1,2,3,4] [5,6,7,8]
[(1,5), (2,6), (3,7), (4,8)]
- e.g. compute dot product with list comprehension
dot xs ys = sum [x*y | (x, y) <- zip xs ys]
- import using
import Module.Name
keyword - define a module using
module Module.Name
Lazy evaluation
You can think of execution in a pure functional language as evaluation by rewriting through substitution
e.g. with the following definitions:
f x y = x + 2*y
g x = x^2
You can evaluate the following by applicative order/call by value, rewriting the expression at the innermost level first:
g (f 1 2)
= g (1 + 2*2) -- use f's definition
= g (1 + 4)
= g 5
= 5^2 -- use g's definition
= 25
Alternatively, you can evaluate it using normal order/call by name, where you pass an un-evaluated expression, rewriting the outermoost level first:
g (f 1 2)
= (f 1 2)^2 -- use g's definition
= (1 + 2*2)^2 -- use f's definition
= (1 + 4)^2
= 5^2
= 25
Haskell uses normal order evaluation, unlike most programming languages. This will always produce the same value as applicative order evaluation, but sometimes produces a value when applicative order evaluation would fail to terminate (e.g. asking for a result on an infinite list).
Haskell uses call by need: a function’s argument is evaluated at most once if needed, otherwise never. This
evaluation isn’t all-or-nothing: Haskell is lazy in that it only evaluates on demand. This allows
Haskell to operate on infinite data structures: data constructors are simply functions that are also lazy (e.g. cons :
e.g. take 3 [1..]
evaluates to [1,2,3]
Infinite Lists
Here is an efficient Fibonacci implementation that uses a recursive definition of the infinite sequence as fibs
fibs :: [Integer]
fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
fib n = fibs !! n
Here’s another example for an infinite sequence of powers of 2:
powers :: [Integer]
powers = 1 : map (*2) powers
What drives evaluation?
-- zipWith takes a 2-argument function and 2 lists and applies the function element-wise across the lists
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith f [] _ = []
zipWith f _ [] = []
zipWith f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWith f xs ys
Let’s consider how Haskell evaluates zipWidth f e1 e2
- Haskell does a pattern match on the 3 cases defined: this requires a small amount of evaluation of
to determine that they are non-empty lists (for the 1st and 2nd cases respectively) zipWith
causes the spines ofe1/e2
to be evaluated until one of the lists is exhastedzipWith
doesn’t cause any of the list elements to be evaluated
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Algorithm for computing primes:
- write out list of integers
- put the list’s first number
aside - remove all multiples of
from the list - repeat from step 2
This works with infinite lists, removing an infinite number of multiples. Haskell can evaluate using it:
primes :: [Integer]
primes = sieve [2..]
where sieve (x:xs) = x : sieve [y | y <- xs, y `mod` x > 0]
Now you can generate lists of primes rapidly:
*Main> take 100 primes
I/O and Monads
- monad: representation or encapsulation of computational action
To preserve purity in computation, Haskell:
- uses typing to distinguish pure functions from effectual functions. While all functions return a result, some functions also have associated actions. The type system distinguishes between the two, helping isolate side effects and enabling the mixing of pure functions with effectful monads in a principled manner
- actions/things of monadic type should be able to works on lists, actions can be elements of lists, etc.
- Haskell describes recipes for action, which can be combined to create more complex recipes
- when its time for the actions to occur, you call
main :: IO ()
- monads allow sequencing, dereferencing, destructive assignment, I/O etc. to be expressed within a pure functional language. The resulting programs appear imperative but retain the properties of pure functional programs
- I/O is an example of monadic programming
Input Actions
Input returns a value. Something of type IO a
is an input/output action which returns a
result of type a
to the caller.
getChar :: IO Char
Output Actions
Output actions have type IO ()
, an instance of a monad.
putChar :: Char -> IO ()
print :: Show a => a -> IO ()
is used to put actions in a sequence.a >> b
denotes the combined action ofa
followed byb
(>>) :: IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
: the unit type, with a single inhabitant()
. Used for I/O actions that return nothing of interest. Used to represent no value.
File I/O
type FilePath = String
readFile :: FilePath -> IO String
writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
appendFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
Binding and Sequencing
-- bind: pass result of first action to the next
(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
-- sequence: second action doesn't care about result of the first action
(>>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b
return :: a -> IO b
Lambda abstraction for f
: \x -> f x
function that takes an argument x
and return f x
is defined in terms of >>=
m >> k = m >>= \_ -> k
e.g. read an input file and write to an output file, excluding non-ASCII characters:
= readFile "inp" >>= \s ->
writeFile "outp" (filter isAscii s) >>
putStr "Filtering successful\n"
Syntactic sugar time: write things under do
action1 >>= \x -> action2 using x
x <- action1
action2 using x
action1 >> action2
e.g. purely functional code that asks user for input, reads/writes a file, writes to standard out
import Data.Char(isAscii)
= do
putStr "Input file: "
ifile <- getLine
putStr "Output flie: "
ofile <- getLine
s <- readFile ifile
writeFile ofile (filter isAscii s)
putStrLn "All done"
- Haskell is layout sensitive: you need to indent actions the same or else they won’t be considered
part of the
Partial Application and Currying
- all Haskell functions actually take one parameter: a function
a -> b -> c
takes one parameter of typea
and returns a functionb -> c
, which takes one parameter and returnsc
- this means we can call a partially apply a function by providing it with insufficient arguments, and it gives us back a function that takes the remaining number of arguments
- function application is left-associative:
a b c d
is equivalent to(((a b) c) d)
is right-associative i.e.a -> b -> c
is interpreteda -> (b -> c)
- kind: type of a type
- use
to list the kind of something *
: indicates the type is concrete* -> *
: indicates the type takes one concrete type as a type parameter
- use
is a type class of types that can be mapped over, and requires the definition of one function,fmap
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
- types that act like a box can be functors: a list can be thought of as a box that is empty of has something in it
then applies the function to the values inside the box, like performing keyhole surgery<$>
is an infix alias forfmap
think of functors as values within contexts
- examples of
(->) r
is of kind* -> *
: it takes exactly one concrete type
Mapping over an IO
instance Functor IO where
fmap f action = do
-- get a result from the IO action
result <- action
-- inject the value of the function applied to the result
return (f result)
Mapping over Maybe
- When you try to
over a list ofMaybe
s, you find you need to unpack each value to apply the function to the value held within theMaybe
. - As
is aFunctor
, you can insteadfmap
over the list to get the desired result
-- lookup will return a Maybe Int
fmap sum (Map.lookup student marks)
Functions as Functors
- function type
r -> a
can be written in prefix notation as(->) r a
- from this perspective,
is just a type constructor taking two type parameters - as
accepts exactly one concrete type,(->)
needs to already be partially applied to typer
instance Functor ((->) r) where
fmap f g = (\x -> f (g x))
- to map a function over a function, you do function composition.
- An equivalent definition is:
instance Functor ((->) r) where
fmap = (.)
- functions as functors are also values in contexts
- lifting a function: revisiting the type of
, adding right associative parenthesesfmap :: (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
, we see that we can think offmap
as taking a function froma -> b
and returns a new function that takes a functor value as a parameter, and returns a functor value as the result
You can consider fmap
in 2 ways:
- as a function taking a function and a functor value, then mapping that function over the functor value (keyhole surgery)
- as a function
taking a functiong
, wheref
so that it operates on functor values
Functor Laws
When you define a functor, you need to check that it conforms to the expected properties for it to be well-behaved:
- identity:
fmap id = id
- composition:
fmap (f . g) = fmap f . fmap g
Applicative Functors
only works for unary functions, but not for anything of greater arity: we can’t map a function inside a functor value over another functor value usingfmap
type class: applicative functors are beefed-up functors that contain functions that can be applied to other functors
class (Functor f) => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- c.f. fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
- to make a type an instance of
, you need to definepure
functions pure
:- inserts a value into the applicative functor
- takes a value of any type and returns an applicative value with that value inside it (boxing)
- alternatively you could say it takes a value and puts it in some pure/minimal context
: beefed-upfmap
f (a -> b)
: takes a functor value with a function (call itg :: a -> b
)f a
: takes another functor- maps
onto the value in the second functor
- normal functors: mapping a function over a functor doesn’t allow you to get a result out in a general way
- applicative functors give you a way to operate on several functors using a single function
- every
must also be aFunctor
, just as everyOrd
must beEq
is in some ways similar to a Cartesian product
> (++) <$> ["a", "b", "c"] <*> ["1", "2"]
["a1", "a2", "b1", "b2", "c1", "c2"]
is an instance ofApplicative
instance Applicative Maybe where
-- to wrap it in an applicative value, we use Just (the value constructor)
pure = Just
-- can't extract a function from Nothing
Nothing <*> _ = Nothing
-- pull out the function, and apply it to the functor something with fmap
(Just f) <*> something = fmap f something
Applicative Style
- with
, we can chain the use of<*>
for operation across several applicative values
> pure (+) <*> Just 3 <*> Just 5
Just 8
- breaking this down, by left-association of
:(pure (+) <*> Just 3) <*> Just 5
gets put in an applicative value: aMaybe
Just (+) <*> Just 3
producesJust (3+)
by partial application-
Just (3+) <*> Just 5
producesJust 8
- observation: we can apply a function that doesn’t expect any applicative
values (like
) and apply it to a bunch of applicative values pure f <*> x
is the same asfmap f x
:pure f <*> x <*> y <*> ...
can be rewritten asfmap f x <*> y <*> ...
- using infix notation:
f <$> x <*> y <*> ...
- to apply a function
between three applicative valuesx, y, z
:f <$> x <*> y <*> z
, where we would normally writef x y z
- List type constructor
is an applicative functor
instance Applicative [] where
-- pure inserts a value into a minimal context yielding the value, i.e. a singleton
pure x = [x]
-- applies functions in the list on the lhs to all values on the rhs
fs <*> xs = [f x | f <- fs, x <-xs]
- using the applicative style on lists can be a good replacement for list comprehension
[ x*y | x <- [2,5,10], y <- [8,10,11]]
(*) <$> [2,5,10] <*> [8,10,11]
- also an applicative functor
instance Applicative IO where
-- inject a value into a minimal context that still holds the value with return
pure = return
-- takes IO action a, which gives a function
a <*> b = do
-- perform the function, bind the result to f
f <- a
-- perform b and bind the result to x
x <- b
-- apply f to x and yield that as the result
return (f x)
was extracting a function from LHS and applying it to RHS- with
, we are still extracting a function, but also sequencing actions (as to extract a result from an IO action it needs to actually be performed)
Functions (->) r
- also applicative functors
- not often used. See LYAH for details
> (+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100) $ 5
- this makes a function that uses
on the results of(+3)
, and applies it to5
Monoid Type Class
- monoid: made of an associative binary function and a value acting as an identity for that function
is identity for*
is identity for++
class Monoid m where
mempty :: m
mappend :: m -> m -> m
mconcat :: [m] -> m
mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
: polymorphic constant, representing the identity value of the monoidmappend
: binary function, taking 2 values of a type and returning a value of the same type- don’t read too much into the name: doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with appending
: takes a list of monoid values and reduces them to a single value usingmappend
instance Monoid [a]
mempty = []
mappend = (++)