Computer Systems

Unix, Linux, Android

Unix, Linux, Android

Table of Contents




Portable UNIX

Berkeley UNIX


IEEE 1003.1-2017



Linux Overview

Linux Goals





Kernel Structure


I/O Component


System call interface




Process Descriptor

Executing ls


Kernel Threads and clone

pid = clone(function, stack_ptr, sharing_flags, arg);

Whether a clone call creates a new thread in the current process or in a new process is dependent on sharing_flags, which is a bitmap allowing fine-grained control over what gets shared.



Linux O(1) Scheduler

Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS)


Boot Process


Dynamic Loading


Wiki: Init

Memory Management



System Calls


Duke: linux memory management


Physical memory

For each node, Linux distinguishes between zones of memory, resulting from differences idiosyncracices of hardware which require them to be handled differently. Memory allocation can then be performed for each zone separately.


Paging Scheme



Representation of Virtual Address Space

The virtual address space can be broken into areas that are runs of consecutive pages sharing protection and paging properties, e.g. text segment, mapped files

There are 2 ways to access of an area of an address space via this top-level memory descriptor:


Page Frame Reclaiming Algorithm





Drivers are split into 2 parts, both of which are part of the kernel and run in kernel mode


File System

System calls

// create and open file "abc" with protection bits specified in mode
fd = creat("abc", mode);



Virtual File System





  1. system locates root directory (usually i-node 2), placing entry in dentry cache for future lookups of /
  2. look up usr in / to get i-node of /usr directory, and enter this in dentry cache
  3. fetch the i-node, extract the disk blocks from it
  4. search /usr directory file for filename string ast, and get the corresponding i-node number
  5. read the i-node for /usr/ast, and extract directory blocks
  6. look up file and find the i-node number
  7. use the i-node number to index the on-disk i-node table and bring it into memory
  8. put the i-node on an in-memory i-node table, which is a kernel data structure holding i-nodes for all open files



/proc file system


chmod calculator

Binary Symbolic Octal Allowed file access
111000000 rwx------ 700 Owner can read, write, execute
110100000 rw-r----- 640 Owner can read, write; group can read
111101101 rwxr-xr-x 755 Owner can read, write, execute; all others can read and execute


  1. Explain how writing UNIX in C made it easier to port it to new machines.

This meant that you only needed to implement a C compiler for a particular architecture and re-implement specific device drivers, which involves less work than re-implementing a whole operating system in assembly for a different architecture.

  1. The POSIX interface defines a set of library procedures. Explain why POSIX standardizes library procedures instead of the system-call interface.

By standardising library procedures, some procedures can be implemented in user space. It allows existing operating systems to implement POSIX without modifying their system calls, and prevents tightly coupling the kernel design to the POSIX interface.

  1. Linux depends on gcc compiler to be ported to new architectures. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of this dependency.

Advantage: Linux can use special capabilities of gcc Disadvantage: Linux cannot be compiled with other compilers, e.g. llvm which may provide more features

  1. A directory contains the following files:
aardvark ferret koala porpoise unicorn 
bonefish grunion llama quacker vicuna 
capybara hyena marmot rabbit weasel 
dingo ibex nuthatch seahorse yak 
emu jellyfish ostrich tuna zebu 

Which files will be listed by the command ls [abc]*e*?

This command asks to list files starting with either a, b, or c, followed by 0 or more characters, then e, then 0 or more characters. bonefish is the only returned file.

  1. What does the following Linux shell pipeline do? grep nd xyz wc –l

Counts the number of lines containing “nd” in file xyz

  1. Write a Linux pipeline that prints the eighth line of file z on standard output.
head -n 8 z | tail -n 1
  1. Why does Linux distinguish between standard output and standard error, when both default to the terminal?

This allows standard output to be redirected without being affected by standard error, as the result may be pipeline. It is also useful to be able to direct error output to a log file for debugging

  1. A user at a terminal types the following commands: a | b | c & d | e | f & After the shell has processed them, how many new processes are running?

6 new processes were started

  1. When the Linux shell starts up a process, it puts copies of its environment variables, such as HOME, on the process’ stack, so the process can find out what its home directory is. If this process should later fork, will the child automatically get these variables, too?

Yes. The child’s memory is an exact copy of the parent’s, which includes the stack, of which the environment variables are a part.

  1. About how long does it take a traditional UNIX system to fork off a child process under the following conditions: text size = 100 KB, data size = 20 KB, stack size = 10 KB, task structure = 1 KB, user structure = 5 KB. The kernel trap and return takes 1 msec, and the machine can copy one 32-bit word every 50 nsec. Text segments are shared, but data and stack segments are not.

Child process will have: data: 20KB, stack: 10KB, task structure: 1KB, user structure: 5KB = 36KB Trap and return: 1ms Copy 36KB / 32-bit words = 9000 words @ 50ns = 450$\mu$s

Total: 1.45ms

  1. As multimegabyte programs became more common, the time spent executing the fork system call and copying the data and stack segments of the calling process grew proportionally. When fork is executed in Linux, the parent’s address space is not copied, as traditional fork semantics would dictate. How does Linux prevent the child from doing something that would completely change the fork semantics?

Copy on write: the child gets pointers to the parent’s address space, but marks the parent’s pages write-protected. When the child attempts to write into the parent’s address space, a fault occurs and a copy of the parent’s page is created and allocated into the child’s address space.

  1. Why are negative arguments to nice reserved exclusively for the superuser?

This is to prevent abuse of priority: all users would attempt to prioritise their processes.

  1. A non-real-time Linux process has priority levels from 100 to 139. What is the default static priority and how is the nice value used to change this?

The default static priority is 120.
nice allows you to adjust this by -20 to +19. A positive nice value decreases the priority.

  1. Does it make sense to take away a process’ memory when it enters zombie state? Why or why not?

A process enters a zombie state when it exits but the parent hasn’t waited for it. The process cannot run any more so it would be beneficial to free up the memory.

  1. To what hardware concept is a signal closely related? Give two examples of how signals are used.

A signal is closely related to hardware interrupt. Signals are used for interprocess communication.

  1. Why do you think the designers of Linux made it impossible for a process to send a signal to another process that is not in its process group?

For security: to prevent malicious tampering, or prevent unintended signals being passed from processes that are not associated with that group.

  1. In general, do you think daemons have higher or lower priority than interactive processes? Why?

Lower priority, because interactive processes are more time-sensitive

  1. When a new process is forked off, it must be assigned a unique integer as its PID. Is it sufficient to have a counter in the kernel that is incremented on each process creation, with the counter used as the new PID? Discuss your answer.

Almost - you also need to check which PIDs are already allocated. As an example, if many processes are created and destroyed the counter will eventually overflow, and process 0 and 1 will still be running.

  1. In every process’ entry in the task structure, the PID of the parent is stored. Why?

The parent PID is needed so that when the process exits the parent can be notified of the exit status.

  1. What combination of the sharing flags bits used by the Linux clone command corresponds to a conventional UNIX fork call? To creating a conventional UNIX thread?
  1. Two tasks A and B need to perform the same amount of work. However, task A has higher priority, and needs to be given more CPU time. Explain how will this be achieved in each of the Linux schedulers described in this chapter, the O(1) and the CFS scheduler.
  1. Some UNIX systems are tickless, meaning they do not have periodic clock interrupts. Why is this done? Also, does ticklessness make sense on a computer (such as an embedded system) running only one process?

This is done because frequent clock interrupts can use a lot of CPU time. Normally, processes make hundreds of system calls per second, so the kernel can check on whether a process’ quantum has elapsed during the system call, rather than using an interrupt. If there is only 1 process, there is no need for pre-emption, so no interrupts are needed.

  1. When booting Linux (or most other operating systems for that matter), the bootstrap loader in sector 0 of the disk first loads a boot program which then loads the operating system. Why is this extra step necessary? Surely it would be simpler to have the bootstrap loader in sector 0 just load the operating system directly.

This allows you to keep the bootloader very small (i.e. it has to be at most 512 bytes), while the boot program itself to load the operating system is quite complicated and will be quite large. The boot program can also be modified this way (e.g. if the operating system is updated) without the disk needing to be reorganised to locate the bootloader at the beginning (or else wasting disk space).

  1. A certain editor has 100 KB of program text, 30 KB of initialized data, and 50 KB of BSS. The initial stack is 10 KB. Suppose that three copies of this editor are started simultaneously. How much physical memory is needed (a) if shared text is used, and (b) if it is not?
  1. Why are open-file-descriptor tables necessary in Linux?

Open file descriptor tables map between a file descriptor and a physical page, maintaining the mode and file position. Having the open file descriptor table means that processes can share/copy a file descriptor, while other processes can have completely independent position in the same file.

  1. In Linux, the data and stack segments are paged and swapped to a scratch copy kept on a special paging disk or partition, but the text segment uses the executable binary file instead. Why?

The text is read-only, while the data and stack pages are likely to be modified.

  1. Describe a way to use mmap and signals to construct an interprocess-communication mechanism.

mmap is used to request the kernel to map a file to memory at a specific address. Two processes can request the same file to be mapped to the same location, allowing shared access to physical memory. Half of this could be used by each process as it’s write buffer. A signal could be used to communicate to the other process that it has written a message, and the other process can now read it.

  1. A file is mapped in using the following mmap system call: mmap(65536, 32768, READ, FLAGS, fd, 0) Pages are 8 KB. Which byte in the file is accessed by reading a byte at memory address 72,000?

The arguments for mmap are addr, len, prot, flags, fd, offset Here: addr = 65536

72000 - 65536 = 6464

i.e. byte 6464 is accessed

  1. Can a page fault ever lead to the faulting process being terminated? If so, give an example. If not, why not?

Yes: e.g. if the stack has bumped into the data stack, the next available page cannot be allocated to the stack, so the process must be terminated as it has run out of virtual memory. Alternatively, the paging area of the disk may be full.

  1. It is stated in the text that a paging partition will perform better than a paging file. Why is this so?

Paging to a partition allows the use of a raw device, eliminating overhead from handling file-system data structures.

  1. Give two examples of the advantages of relative path names over absolute ones.

Convenient for the programmer Much simpler and requires fewer disk accesses

  1. The following locking calls are made by a collection of processes. For each call, tell what happens. If a process fails to get a lock, it blocks.
  1. Consider the locked file of Fig. 10-26(c). Suppose that a process tries to lock bytes 10 and 11 and blocks. Then, before C releases its lock, yet another process tries to lock bytes 10 and 11, and also blocks. What kinds of problems are introduced into the semantics by this situation? Propose and defend two solutions.

The issue is which process should get the lock first. Solutions: leave it undefined, grant locks in order of request, let processes provide a priority when asking for a lock

  1. Explain under what situations a process may request a shared lock or an exclusive lock. What problem may a process requesting an exclusive lock suffer from?

  2. If a Linux file has protection mode 755 (octal), what can the owner, the owner’s group, and everyone else do to the file?

  3. Some tape drives hav e numbered blocks and the ability to overwrite a particular block in place without disturbing the blocks in front of or behind it. Could such a device hold a mounted Linux file system?

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