Design of Algorithms
Greedy Algorithms
Greedy Algorithms
Table of Contents
- change-making problem: give change for a specific amount $n$ with the least
number of coins of the denominations $d_1 > … > d_m$
- greedy approach: use largest denomination that is less than $n$, and reduce remainder. Repeat until the total of the change is equal to the change required.
- greedy technique: suggests constructing solution through sequence of steps, each
expanding partial solution, until a complete solution is reached
- for each step, the choice made must be:
- feasible, i.e. satisfies problem constraints
- locally optimal
- irrevocable: cannot be changed on subsequent steps
- for each step, the choice made must be:
- in some instances greedy technique does provide globally optimum solution
- minimum spanning tree problem: Prim’s, Kruskal’s algorithms
- often greedy technique will not yield optimum solution, but may still be useful to produce approximate solution
- Dijkstra’s algorithm: shortest-path in a weighted graph
- Huffman trees: data compression method
- greedy algorithms are typically intuitive and simple
- often difficult to prove they are optimal (if they are), approaches include:
- mathematical induction, or
- show that on each step greedy approach does at least as well as any other algorithm could
- show optimal solution (rather than optimal efficiency)
Minimum Spanning Tree Problem
- spanning tree: connected acyclic subgraph (i.e. tree) containing all vertices of an undirected connected graph
- minimum spanning tree: spanning tree of smallest weight for a weighted graph
- weight: sum of weights on all edges
- given $n$ points, connect them in the cheapest possible way, such that there is a path between every pair of points
- arises in all sorts of networks: communications, computer, transportation, electrical
- cheapest way to achieve connectivity
- identifies clusters in data sets
- classification in archaeology, biology, …
- helpful for constructing approximate solutions to more difficult problems e.g. travelling salesman problem
- exhaustive search approach
- exponential growth with graph size (especially for dense graphs)
- generating all spanning trees is more difficult than finding minimum spanning tree
Prim’s Algorithm
- construct minimum spanning tree through sequence of expanding subtrees
- initial subtree consists of arbitrary vertex
- algorithm expands the tree greedily by attaching nearest neighbour not in the tree
- nearest: vertex out of tree connected to vertex in tree by edge of smallest weight
- algorithm stops when all vertices are in the tree
- total iterations: $n-1$
# Prim's algorithm for constructing minimum spanning tree
# Input: weight graph G=<V,E>
# Output: E_T, set of edges composing minimum spanning tree of G
V_T = {v_0} # arbitrary vertex
E_T = empty_set
for i from 1 to |V|-1:
find minimum weight edge e* = (v*, u*) among all edges (v, u), such that v is in V_T,
and u is in V-V_T
V_T = union(V_T, u*)
E_T = union(E_T, e*)
return E_T
- implementation requires each vertex not in the current tree to have information about
shortest edge connecting it to vertex: attach labels to vertex
- name of nearest vertex
- weight (length) edge
- if no adjacent vertices:
- name: $\infty$
- label: null
Dijkstra’s Algorithm