Machine Learning
Measuring and Mitigating Algorithmic Bias
- how can we be sure models are fair?
- how to measure fairness with respect to minority groups
- what can we do to improve fairness?
Bias in ML
Human Bias
- humans are the 1st source of bias, with many cognitive biases
- e.g. out-group homogeneity bias (stereotypes/prejudice)
- perceive out-group members as less nuanced than in-group members
- correlation fallacy: mistaking correlation with causation
Data Bias
Historical bias
- randomly sampled data set reflects the world as it was, including existing biases
- e.g. image search of professor shows primarily older white males
- misalignment between world as it is and values/objectives to be encoded/propagated in a model
- concerned with state of the world
- exists even with perfect sampling and feature selection
Representation/Reporting bias
- data set likely doesn’t faithfully represent whole population
- minority groups are underrepresented
- obvious facts are underrepresented, while anomalies are overemphasised
- e.g. the word murder is commonly used in the corpus, but murders themselves are vary rare
Measurement bias
- noisy measurements: errors/missing data which isn’t randomly distributed
- e.g. records of police arrests differ in level of detail across postcode areas
- mistaking noisy proxy for label of interest
- e.g. using ‘hiring decision’ as proxy for applicant quality: nepotism, cronyism, unconscious biases, recruiter sorts by inappropriate criterion
- oversimplification of quantity of interest
- e.g. classifying political leaning into Democrat/Republican as opposed to existing on continuum across social/economic progressivism
- binarising gender
overcoming data bias
- know your domain
- know your task
- know your data
Model bias
Model fit
- weak models: high bias, low variance
- make unjustified simplifying assumptions
Biased Loss Function
- blind to certain types of errors
- e.g. 0/1 loss will tolerate errors in minority class with highly imbalanced data, similar to accuracy
Overcoming model bias
- carefully consider model assumptions
- carefully choose loss functions
- model groups separately
- represent groups fairly in the data
Evaluation/Deployment Bias
Evaluation bias
- test set unrepresentative of target population (e.g. WASP dataset)
- model overfits to a test set
- wide use of benchmark data sets reinforces this problem
- evaluation metrics may not capture all quantities of interest
- e.g. disregard minority groups or average effects
- face recognition models largely trained on images of white people
Deployment bias
- use of systems in ways they weren’t intended for
- results from lack of education of end users
- carefully select evaluation metrics
- use multiple evaluation metrics
- carefully select test sets/benchmarks
- document models to ensure they are used correctly
Machine Learning Pipeline
- define variables of interest
- define target variable
- care needed if target variable measured through proxy, i.e. not measured explicitly
- e.g. hiring decision -> applicant quality; income -> credit worhiness
- models faithful to data
- data contains knowledge: smoking causes cancer
- data contains stereotypes: boys like blue, girls like pink
- difference based on social norms
- ML concept: regression, classification, information retrieval, …
- resulting action: class prediction (spam, credit granted), search results, …
- approximated from user behaviour
- e.g. click rates
- may reinforce bias: e.g. clicks from majority groups
Demographic Disparity/Sample Size disparity
- demographic groups will be differently represented in samples
- historical bias
- minority groups
- …
- what does this mean for model fit?
- models work better for majorities (e.g. dialects: speech recognition)
- models generalise based on majorities
- anomaly detection
- effects on society
- minorities may adopt technology more slowly, increasing the gap
- danger of feedback loops: predictive policing -> more arrests -> reinforce model signal
- questions
- is any disparity justified?
- is any disparity harmful
- e.g. Amazon same-day delivery
- areas with large population left out
- Amazon objective: minimum cost, maximum efficiency. Purchase power in regions is correlated with white people
- system is biased
- discrimination is happening
- is discrimination justified? is it harmful?
- No, yes
Measuring Fairness
Sensitive Attributes
- $X$: non-sensitive features
- $A$: sensitive attributes with discrete labels
- e.g. male/female, old/young, …
- $Y$: true labels
$\hat Y$: classifier score (predicted label)
- often instances have mix of useful, uncontroversial attributes and senstive attributes based on which we don’t want to make classification decisions
- different attributes lead to different demographic groups
- rarely clear which attributes are/aren’t sensitive, yet choice can have profound impact
- need to engage domain experts and sociologists
Fairness through unawareness
remove controversial features: hide all sensitive features from classifier. Only train on $X$ and remove $A$ \(P(\hat Y_n|X_n, A_n) \approx P(\hat Y_n|X_n)\)
- case study:
- bank serving humans + martians
- wants classifier to predict whether applicant receives credit
- assume access to features (credit history, education, …) for all applications
- $A$: race
- consider applying fairness through unawareness: would model be fair?
- no: there may be other attributes correlated with race, so may still be unfair
- Problem:
- general features may be strongly correlated with sensitive features
- this approach doesn’t generally result in a fair model
Fairness Criteria
Positive predictive value/precision
- proportion of positive predictions that are truly positive
True positive rate/Recall
- proportion of truly positive instances correctly identified
False Negative rate
- proportion of truly negative instances correctly identified
- proportion of instances correctly labelled
Example problem
- we have trained a classifier to predict binary credit score: should applicant be granted credit?
- assume we have an Adult data set as training data, covering both humans and martians
- consider species as protected attribute: classifier should make fair decisions for both human and martian applicants
Criterion 1: Group Fairness/Demographic Parity
- sensitive attribute shall be statistically independent of the prediction
- for the classifier this means it is fair if - probability of good credit given martian is the same as the probability of good credit given human
- goal: same chance to get positive credit score for all applicants, regardless of species
- no restriction on quality of predictions: criterion is independent of $y$
can get away with predicting many TPs for 1 group and many FPs for another group, because we don’t look at $y$
- pro: simple and intuitive
- sometimes pro: independent of ground truth label $Y$: means it can be used for unsupervised learning
- con: can predict good instances for majority class, but bad instances for minority class - increasing unfairness. Don’t measure quality of predictions
- danger to further harm reputation of minority class
Criterion 2: Predictive Parity
- all groups shall have same PPV (precision): i.e. probability predicted positive is truly positive
- for classifier, this means we want:
- chance to correctly get positive credit score should be the same for both human and martian applicants
- now ground truth is taken into account
- subtle limitation: assumes ground truth is fair
- if ground truth is unfair in dataset, this impacts the predictions we make
- e.g. humans are more likely to have good credit score in the data
- may perpetuate this into the future
- common problem for all fairness metrics
Criterion 3: Equal Opportunity
- all groups have the same FNR (and TPR): probability of truly positive instance to be predicted negative
- FN: don’t grant credit to someone who qualifies
- for classifier, we want
\(P(\hat Y=0|Y=1,A=m) = P(\hat Y = 0|Y=1,A=h)\) equivalently with true positives: \(P(\hat Y=1|Y=1,A=m) = P(\hat Y = 1|Y=1,A=h)\)
- i.e. classifier should make similar predictions for humans and martians with truly good credit scores
- accounts for ground truth
- same limitation as predictive parity
Criterion 4: Individual Fairness
- rather than balancing by group (human, martian) compare individuals directly
- individuals with similar features $X$ should receive similar classifier scores
- need to
- establish similarity function $sim$
- set similarity threshold $\theta$
Other criteria
- no fair free lunch
- many other criteria which often cannot be simultaneously satisfied
- many criteria limit maximum performance of model
- long term impact
- group fairness: enforces equal rates of credit loans to men/women even though women statistically less likely to return
- further disadvantages the poor and the bank
- fairness criteria should be considered
- soft constraints
- diagnostic tools
- criteria are observational, measuring correlation. They don’t allow us to argue about causality
Fairness Evaluation
GAP measures
- measure deviation of performance from any group $\phi_g$ from global average performance $\phi$
- simple, straightforward way to measure fairness of a classifier
- average GAP:
- maximum GAP:
Accuracy GAP
- true positive rate (TPR) GAP: equal opportunity
- positive predictive value (PPV) GAP: predictive parity
Creating Fairer Classifiers
- we know
- where bias can arise: data, model, …
- how to statistically define fairness in classifiers
- how to diagnose unfairness in evaluation
- what steps can we take to achieve better fairness?
- pre-processing
- training/optimisation: select models known to be fair
- post-processing: leave data + model untouched, use different thresholds for different classes
balance the data set
- upsample minority group
- downsample majority group
reweight data instances
- expected distribution if A independent to Y ($A \perp Y$)
- observed distribution
- weigh each instance by
Model training/optimisation
add constraints to optimisation function
- minimise the overall loss $\mathcal{L}(f(X,\theta), Y)$
subject to fairness constraints, e.g. GAP: $\forall g\in G: \phi_g-\phi < \alpha$ - incorporate with Lagrange multipliers \(\mathcal{L}_{final}(\theta) = \mathcal{L}(f(X,\theta),Y)+\sum_{g=1}^{G}\lambda_g\psi_g\)
adversarial training
- learn a classifier that predicts scores while being agnostic to species of applicant
- learn a hidden representation that is good for predicting target label, and bad for predicting protected attribute
- hidden representation doesn’t remember anything about protected attribute
- bleach out info about protected attributes from hidden representation
- e.g. learn classifier that predicts sentiment of movie review (positive/negative) while being agnostic to gender
- often sentiment scores are biased w.r.t. gender
modify classifier predictions
- decide on individual thresholds per group such that $\hat y_i = 1$ if $s_i > \theta_i$
- come up with special strategy for instances near decision boundary
- model independent
- works with proprietary/black-box models
- needs access to protected attribute at test time